从前的浦东,阡陌交通,蛙声一片;如今的浦东,高楼林立,风光无限。 1990年4月18日,党中央、国务院宣布开发开放上海浦东。三十年斗转星移,沧海桑田,摩天大楼如雨后春笋般拔地而起,外资企业相继入驻,他们共同见证了浦东在全球化浪潮中乘风而起,奋力争先。 CGTN特制浦东三十年前后对比照片,带你回望过去,展望未来。 This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Pudong New Area. What did Pudong look like 30 years ago? And how has it changed over the three decades of development? CGTN has made a series of before-and-after photos to show you the miracles created on this land.